








The SCUDS Social Golf Club was founded in 1991 playing 1992

SCUD - A missile with a range of approximately 300 km  used by Iraq in the Iran-Iraq War and in the Gulf Wars about the 1990's often with erratic and inaccurate flight paths and direction. Perfectly suited to our members ability at golf.

  Handicap Changes from previous round
Dates Shown


Current Members Handicaps dates shown

Note: Handicaps may be adjusted prior to the match being played

Handicaps are calculated as follows (Whaleback : Slope is 115 (varies at different courses)

Scratch Rating 71 Par 69

Daily Handicap formula = (GA Handicap x (Slope Rating ÷ 113) + (Scratch Rating minus Par)) x 0.93.

Sample (John Abrahamson) GA Handicap 23.6 * (115 / 113) + (71-69) *0.93 = 20 handicap

Handicap at start of the year 2024 Handicap Changes for 27th January
Start of Year 2024 Player EXACT WHALEBACK
GolfLinkNo Surname FirstName NEW 115
6917100001 Abrahamson John 21.2 18
6917100090 Adams Patrick 15.7 13
6917100085 Appleyard Jermey 32.4 29
6917100076 Bauchop Ian 33.4 30
6013100171 Bennett Peter 8.9 7
6917100077 Bradley Luke 20.3 17
6917100082 Brady David 19.7 17
6917100004 Cashen Frank 17.8 15
6917100006 Coombe Ben 23.9 21
6917100078 Courtney Richard 24.8 22
6917100056 Crouch David 24.1 21
6917100010 Evans Ron 31.7 28
6917100011 Fairchild Ian 15.4 13
6917100012 Faulks Peter 26.4 23
6917100079 Flannigan Barry 33.8 30
6011104358 Foulds Gordon 19.4 17
6917100029 Gear Nathan 16.9 14
6912000075 Gill Brian 26.7 23
6917100054 Goode Mark 24.5 21
6917100086 Grant Tyler 29.6 26
6917100016 Greenwood-Hone Paul 19.5 17
6917100046 Hamill John 30.1 27
6917100068 Harvey Jolian 18.2 15
6917100060 Heagney Simon 19.8 17
6917100059 Henry Rod 29.7 26
6915600145 Hille Stephen 27.3 24
6917100019 Jorgensen Ian 20.4 17
6917100091 Khan Rowshan 12.3 10
6917100088 Leck Ian 14.5 12
6917100073 Lomma Renaldo 20.4 17
6917100022 Mann Keith 25.1 22
6922400051 Marshall David 25.3 22
6917100087 McIntyre Kevin 17.9 15
6630400198 Morgan Greg 15.1 12
6917100083 Morris David 25.6 22
6917100064 Nagle Patrick 16.5 14
6917100075 Ordell Steve 28.6 25
6917100048 Pearse Luke 9.1 7
6917100024 Phillips Alan 25.7 22
6917100057 Puckeridge Alan 24.9 22
6917100041 Quinell Christopher 28.7 25
6917100092 Selman Jason 21.1 18
6917100051 Smith Andrew 21.7 19
6917100034 Smith Gary 15.8 13
6917100033 Smith Stewart 7.2 5
6917100055 Vance Brendan 16.5 14
6917100089 Wasley Sam 31 27
6917100081 Watson Shaun 23.3 20
6917100061 Woods Russ 25.8 23
6917100069 Wrightson Lindsay 22.9 20



GolfLinkNo Surname FirstName OLD NEW 115 Whaleback
6917100001 Abrahamson John 21.2 21.2 17 18
6917100090 Adams Patrick 15.7 15.7 12 13
6917100085 Appleyard Jermey 32.9 32.9 28 29
6917100076 Bauchop Ian 33.4 33.4 29 30
6013100171 Bennett Peter 8 8 5 6
6917100077 Bradley Luke 20 20 16 17
6917100082 Brady David 19.7 19.7 16 17
6917100004 Cashen Frank 17.8 17.8 14 15
6917100006 Coombe Ben 23.9 23.9 20 21
6917100078 Courtney Richard 24.8 24.8 21 22
6917100056 Crouch David 24.1 24.1 20 21
6917100010 Evans Ron 32.3 32.3 28 29
6917100011 Fairchild Ian 15.5 15.5 12 13
6917100012 Faulks Peter 27 27 23 24
6917100079 Flannigan Barry 33.8 33.8 29 30
6011104358 Foulds Gordon 19.4 19.4 16 17
6917100029 Gear Nathan 17.3 17.3 14 15
6912000075 Gill Brian 27.1 27.1 23 24
6917100054 Goode Mark 24.2 24.2 20 21
6917100086 Grant Tyler 30.3 30.3 26 27
6917100016 Greenwood-Hone Paul 20.7 20.7 17 18
6917100046 Hamill John 30 30 26 27
6917100068 Harvey Jolian 18.2 18.2 14 15
6917100060 Heagney Simon 19.2 19.2 15 16
6917100059 Henry Rod 29.2 29.2 25 26
6915600145 Hille Stephen 27.3 27.3 23 24
6917100019 Jorgensen Ian 20.4 20.4 17 17
5012914778 Khan Kevin 14.4 14.4 11 12
6917100091 Khan Rowshan 12.3 12.3 9 10
6917100088 Leck Ian 14.4 14.2 11 12
6917100093 Lucy Dale 32 33 27 29
6917100022 Mann Keith 25 25 21 22
6917100087 McIntyre Kevin 17.9 16.8 14 14
6630400198 Morgan Greg 15.6 15 12 12
6917100083 Morris David 25.6 25.6 21 22
6917100064 Nagle Patrick 15.9 15.9 12 13
6917100075 Ordell Steve 25.8 26.4 22 23
6917100048 Pearse Luke 8.1 8.1 5 6
6917100024 Phillips Alan 24.7 24.7 21 22
6917100057 Puckeridge Alan 23 23 19 20
6917100041 Quinell Christopher 28.7 28.7 24 25
6917100092 Selman Jason 21.1 21 17 18
6917100051 Smith Andrew 21.7 21.7 18 19
6917100034 Smith Gary 15.8 15.8 12 13
6917100033 Smith Stewart 7.2 7.2 4 5
6917100055 Vance Brendan 16.5 16.5 13 14
6917100089 Wasley Sam 31 31 27 27
6917100081 Watson Shaun 23 23 19 20
6917100061 Woods Russ 25.4 25.4 21 22
6917100069 Wrightson Lindsay 22.9 22.9 19 20


ECLECTIC March 2024


Eclectic Guide


Keep your own record of scores

Scoring Terms

Par 3 3
Maximum Score 7
Double Bogie 5
Bogie 4
Par 3
Birdie 2
Albatross 1
Par 4  
Maximum Score 8
Double Bogie 6
Bogie 5
Par 4
Birdie 3
Albatross 2
Eagle 1
Par 5  
Maximum Score 9
Double Bogie 7
Bogie 6
Par 5
Birdie 4
Albatross 3
Eagle 2


Stroke Maximum Score
Players whom cannot finish a hole, i.e. for a lost ball/s or ball lost in the rough or too many shots in a bunker can declare a maximum score for that hole and keep playing in the round, the maximum scores are Par 3=7, Par 4=8 and Par 5=9. You must declare that you are entering a maximum score for that hole and enter the appropriate score, three putts are counted. Maximum Handicap allowed 36


Club contact 

Keith Mann (Match Organiser)

Mobile:               0415 751 850


email us: scudsgolf@westnet.com.au






SCUD - A missile with a range of approximately 300 km  used by Iraq in the Iran-Iraq War and in the Gulf Wars about the 1990's often with erratic and inaccurate flight paths and direction.

Perfectly suited to our members ability at golf.

Page updated: 12 December 2024